Punching through the Wall

So, you're trying to write your paper, your book, that report you need to get finished.

Aaaaaand, nothing's coming to mind. Zilch. Nada. Zip. Your brain is constipated, and the flow of ideas is all stopped up.

What do you do?

You can try what everyone usually tries: Sticking with it, trying to force your brain to submit to your will (Spoiler Alert: It doesn't often work out that well.).

Or, you could take a walk.

"But, wait," you say. "I've GOT to finish my report/chapter/essay/whatever!"

Of course. But, let's face it... are you accomplishing anything by stressing yourself out even MORE as you try to force your creativity?


So, instead, distract yourself for a little bit. Watch a half-hour comedy. Take a walk. Talk to a friend. Exercise. Have sex. 

In other words, do SOMETHING else. Give your brain a chance to reset.

Then, back to the work.

If you're STILL getting nowhere, try this: What film do you think of when I ask, "What's the worst film you've ever seen?" 

Watch that film. Pay attention to every detail.

All done? Stewing in your righteous rage over just how freaking TERRIBLE the movie was?


Now, ask yourself this: How would YOU have done that film better? Give specifics. 

Got a good list going? Fantastic. Think of it as a jump-start for your creative engine.

Pivot. Switch back to the project you're SUPPOSED to be doing. 

I'll bet writer's block isn't as strong as you thought it was, huh? 

Congratulations! You've just punched through the wall. 


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